Hiligaynon Linkers

When an adjective modifies a noun, the linker nga links the two.
Example: Itom nga ido (Black dog), Puti nga Manok ( White Chicken)

Sometimes, if the linker is preceded by a word that ends in a vowel, glottal stop or the letter N, it becomes acceptable to contract it into -ng, as in Filipino. This is often used to make the words sound more poetic or to reduce the number of syllables. 

Sometimes the meaning may change as in:

  •  Maayo nga aga (Good Morning) Ilonggo
  •  Maayong aga (Good Morning) Visaya or Cebuano translation
  •  Maayo nga gab-i (GoodEvening) Ilonggo
  • Maayong Gab-i (Good Evening) Visaya or Cebuano translation

The first meaning: (the) good morning; while the other is the greeting for 'good morning'.

The linker ka is used if a number modifies a noun. 

  • Anum ka ido (Six dogs)
  • Diin ka makadto? ( Where are you going?)
  • San-o ka mag-abot? (When are you coming?)
  • San-o ka magpuli sa balay? (When are you going home?) 


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Jordan said…
this is pretty good, however, when you use adjectives to describe nouns in Ilonggo, though you technically could say "maayo nga aga" to say that morning that was good, the more acurate, and "sagad" way to say it would be "aga nga maayo". Descriptive words follow the word that the describe, not the inverse. Hilimbawa: "Sagad gid ako" not "sagad ako gid"
Unknown said…
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